I’m finally getting into outsourcing, and I came across one small gotcha while outsourcing the transcription of a bunch of YouTube videos on The Confident Man Channel. I wanted my freelancer to transcribe the videos and create a blog post on The Confident Man Project with the text of what I said in each video.
Now I don’t want to give my freelancer free reign on my site, so I created a user for them to log in with, assigned the role of Contributor. This allows them to create draft posts for submission, but not to publish them. I still get the final chance to review the posts before hitting the “publish” button. (One day I’ll let go of control completely… but not yet).
That’s all well and good, except that by default Contributors can’t upload and set featured images, which many themes use to entice readers to click on other articles when they visit my site, and is important for SEO.